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Why do people like making planned gifts?

Planned gifts (most commonly a donation made in your will or trust) cost nothing today and allow you to make an incredible impact, which is why so many people choose to make them.

There are some other exciting but less common gifts — scroll down to learn more!

Popular gifts for the future

See what types of gifts many people choose to make. Many people make these to honor a loved one, to show what’s important in their life.


Gifts in a will or trust

Donations in your will or trust are (by far) the most popular type of planned gift. Learn more, or get help starting your will or trust – for free!

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Beneficiary designations

Gifting assets not covered by your will — like 401(k) or IRA accounts — may help your heirs avoid unwanted taxes, even if you’re below the estate tax threshold.

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Popular gifts for today

Many people love these donation options because they fit with their personal circumstances and financial goals.

Gifts that pay you back

Give assets while providing yourself or others with income for a period of time or distributions at a later date.

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Stocks and securities

Many people love donating stock or mutual funds because it may help them avoid paying capital gains taxes.

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Donor Advised Funds

Easily recommend grants to Plan USA for tax-efficient giving.

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Donate Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more to save on taxes and make a big impact.

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Qualified Charitable Distributions

Use your IRA to make tax-free gifts that benefit you and our mission.

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Please let us know if you’ve already included us in your estate plans!

Letting us know is incredibly helpful to our team and helps to make sure your gift is used the way you want it to be.

Supporters Like You Make All the Difference

“The impact we can make on a child’s life will, we believe, have an enormous ripple, like a pebble dropped into a pool, whereby their improved health and education will have a positive impact on every person they come into contact with throughout their life.”

— Carol Rees and John Foley, Plan USA Legacy Circle members

Eileen Fischer’s story

“Giving is my way of saying to myself, ‘You can make this world a better place.'”

When Eileen Fischer first decided to become a Plan sponsor, she was only 24 years old, struggling to make ends meet.

“I barely earned enough money to pay the rent, buy food and pay my student loans,” she remembers. “But squeezing out about a dollar a day seemed possible.”

That’s because the importance of giving back had been instilled in Eileen at a very early age. Growing up, she saw the way her parents gave to their church and other charities, even when they did not have much to spare. As she grew older and traveled to countries where she saw extreme poverty up close, Eileen became even more determined to share what she could with those who need it most.

“I realized that these are people just like me, except they were born into poverty,” she said. “They are just as smart, as talented, as motivated as I am, but with fewer opportunities. All their energy goes to survival.”

Over the years, Eileen has sponsored children from around the globe and donated to projects like child trafficking prevention, education scholarships and microfinance. But these days, there is one issue that is closest to her heart.

“My current gifts are focused on girls,” she says. “I know boys in poverty need help also, but girls have fewer opportunities to get an education and change their lives. I strongly believe that the only way we will solve world problems is to empower youth everywhere with education and opportunity.”

Eileen believes that when everyone does their part, big or small, the collective impact will be tremendous, and this gives her hope for the future.

“There are so many problems in the world, it is easy to feel helpless,” she says. “Giving is my way of saying to myself, ‘You can make this world a better place.’”

And she isn’t just making a difference today. Eileen plans to leave behind a legacy of hope for future generations by including Plan in her will.

“I initially felt an obligation to leave my assets to my nieces and nephews,” she explains. “And they will receive a small ‘I love you’ gift. But they had all the advantages of a loving family and access to excellent education. They have the tools to be productive citizens and live happy lives. I want other children to have that opportunity. This is a wonderful way to leave a bit of goodness in the world when I depart.”

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! Gifts of any size are deeply appreciated. Many people choose to leave a percentage of their estate, which scales up or down with your estate size.

Yes! Knowing in advance about your intentions is quite helpful to our staff, but you are always welcome to not share your gift.

We’ve partnered with FreeWill to help you make a will or trust at no cost to you. You can use this to complete your plans, or you may choose to use the same tools to get your affairs in order before visiting an attorney (who is likely to have a fee associated with finalizing your plans).

Yes. You are always free to revise or update your estate plans.

Yes! FreeWill will never share your personal information without your permission.

Make your will today

100% free

Trusted and secure

Done in under 20 minutes

We’re here to help you meet your goals!

Our team would be happy to speak with you in confidence about your giving goals, with no obligation.

Name: Angelica Scanu

Title :Associate Director, Planned Giving

Phone: 401-562-8400


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